The nomination process for the renewal of the members of the Scientific Council of the University was announced

The nomination process for the renewal of the members of the Scientific Council of the University was announced
(Representatives of the Faculty of Science of the Scientific Council of the University)

In accordance with the provisions of article 12 of Executive Decree No. 03-279, dated 24 Jumada II of 1424, corresponding to 23 August 2003, amended and completed. The Faculty of Science shall announce the renewal of its representatives at the level of the Scientific Council of the University according to the following census

Scientific Council of the University (art. 20):

Two professors (20) for each faculty and institute (professor or lecturer a).

On the basis of the above, Those who wish to be nominated for the membership of the Scientific Council of the University should withdraw the application form from the secretariat of the Section, the secretariat of the Dean, or download it from the College site. After filling it, it is deposited and registered in the list at the level of the Brigadier General's Secretariat, from Sunday 10 November 2019 to Tuesday 12 November 2019.

As for the election process, it will be held on Thursday, 14 November 2019, from 09:00 am to 14:00 pm after the demise, at the level of the main entrance of the departments' wing.

We will ask all professors of the Faculty of Science (Professor or lecturer of Department a). Participation to make this work.